Pregel 介绍
本文主要讲解 Spark GraphX 对于 Pregel API 的实现。
Pregel API
下面讲解 Spark GraphX 对 Pregel API 实现的源码
* 本方法是执行类似 Pregel 并行迭代顶点的抽象
* `vprog`: 在每个顶点上并行执行,接收任何入站消息并计算顶点的新值。
* `sendMsg`: 在当前迭代中接收到消息的顶点的 out-edges 上被调用,并用于计算到目标顶点的可选消息。
* `mergeMsg`: 一个交换关联函数,用于合并注定到同一个顶点的消息。
* 本方法会一直迭代运行,直到没有剩余的消息或者迭代了`maxIterations`次。
* 在第一次迭代中,所有顶点都会接收到`initialMsg`,并且在后续迭代中,如果
* 一个顶点没有收到消息,则不会再对该顶点调用`vprog`。
* 一次迭代过程:向接收到消息的节点的出度发送消息,目的节点接收消息。
* 在当前迭代中接收到消息的顶点会立即调用`vprog`方法处理消息,然后进行下一次迭代,对接收到
* 消息的顶点的出度调用`sendMsg`方法,将消息发送给目标顶点。
* @tparam A the Pregel message type
* @param initialMsg the message each vertex will receive at the on
* the first iteration
* @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations to run for
* @param activeDirection 控制`sendMessage`方法作用于哪些方向的边。如果
* `activeDirection`为`EdgeDirection.Out`,则只有在前一轮收到消息的顶点
* 的 out-edges(出度) 才会运行`sendMsg`方法。
* @param vprog the user-defined vertex program which runs on each
* vertex and receives the inbound message and computes a new vertex
* value. On the first iteration the vertex program is invoked on
* all vertices and is passed the default message. On subsequent
* iterations the vertex program is only invoked on those vertices
* that receive messages.
* @param sendMsg a user supplied function that is applied to out
* edges of vertices that received messages in the current
* iteration
* @param mergeMsg a user supplied function that takes two incoming
* messages of type A and merges them into a single message of type
* A. ''This function must be commutative and associative and
* ideally the size of A should not increase.''
* @return the resulting graph at the end of the computation
def pregel[A: ClassTag](
initialMsg: A,
maxIterations: Int = Int.MaxValue,
activeDirection: EdgeDirection = EdgeDirection.Either)(
// (接收到消息的顶点id, 顶点属性值, 接收到的消息) => 新的顶点值
vprog: (VertexId, VD, A) => VD,
// 接收到消息的顶点的出度 => (要接收的消息的目标顶点ID, 消息)
sendMsg: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexId, A)],
mergeMsg: (A, A) => A)
: Graph[VD, ED] = {
Pregel(graph, initialMsg, maxIterations, activeDirection)(vprog, sendMsg, mergeMsg)
下面通过 Spark GraphX 的 Pregel API 解决这个问题
object PregelAPI {
// 使用 pregel API 计算单源最短路径
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
val sparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext
// vertexData:Long, edgeData:Double
val graph: Graph[Long, Double] = GraphGenerators.logNormalGraph(sparkContext, numVertices = 10).mapEdges(_.attr.toDouble)
val sourceId: VertexId = 3
// Initialize the graph such that all vertices except the root have distance infinity.
val initalGraph = graph.mapVertices {
(vertexId, vertexData) =>
if (vertexId == sourceId) 0.0 else Double.PositiveInfinity // opposite to NegativeInfinity
initalGraph.edges.foreach(e => println(e.attr))
println("pregel execute...")
val sssp = initalGraph.pregel(Double.PositiveInfinity)(
* id : 接收消息的顶点id
* dist : 顶点属性值
* newDist : 顶点接收到的消息 Message
* return : 新的顶点值
(id, dist, newDist) => { // Vertex Program
println(s"$id dist = $dist, new Dist = $newDist")
math.min(dist, newDist)
triplet => { // Send Message
if (triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr < triplet.dstAttr) {
Iterator((triplet.dstId, triplet.srcAttr + triplet.attr))
} else {
(a, b) => math.min(a, b) // Merge Message,只保留最短路径