ClickHouse Exceptions

ClickHouse 写入数据丢失


压测时,向 ClickHouse Distrubuted Table 写入 1000W 条相同的数据,查询总数时总是丢数据

# Distributed Table DDL
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) show create table dlink.stress_log
SHOW CREATE TABLE dlink.stress_log
Query id: 8b965edc-98d5-46f0-87f9-a3cdea1e8400
│ CREATE TABLE dlink.stress_log
    `stream` Nullable(String),
    `docker` Nullable(String),
    `kubernetes` String,
    `remote_addr` Nullable(String),
    `request` Nullable(String),
    `status` Nullable(String),
    `request_time` Nullable(Float64),
    `connection_requests` Nullable(String),
    `http_user_agent` Nullable(String),
    `service_name` String,
    `tag` Nullable(String),
    `time` DateTime('Asia/Shanghai'),
    `dt` String
ENGINE = Distributed('dog', 'dlink', 'stress_log_shard', rand()) │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.076 sec.

# Shard Table DDL
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) show create table dlink.stress_log_shard
SHOW CREATE TABLE dlink.stress_log_shard
Query id: 9b80f966-880d-4d73-9acd-b60e5952239d
│ CREATE TABLE dlink.stress_log_shard
    `stream` Nullable(String),
    `docker` Nullable(String),
    `kubernetes` String,
    `remote_addr` Nullable(String),
    `request` Nullable(String),
    `status` Nullable(String),
    `request_time` Nullable(Float64),
    `connection_requests` Nullable(String),
    `http_user_agent` Nullable(String),
    `service_name` String,
    `tag` Nullable(String),
    `time` DateTime('Asia/Shanghai'),
    `dt` String
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard_dog}/dlink.stress_log_shard', '{replica_dog}')
PARTITION BY (service_name, dt)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.085 sec.

## Test Case 1
### Conditions
# 数据量: 100W 随机数据
# 每批次吞吐限制: maxRatePerPartition * batchWindowTime * topicPartitions = 10000 * 10s * 6 = 600000
# Sink: 写入分布式表
# 6 Shards, 1 Replica (cluster: dog)

### Result
# 期望结果 100W,实际结果 100W
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) select count(*) from dlink.stress_log
SELECT count(*)
FROM dlink.stress_log
Query id: e3445521-bdaa-463b-8a7e-f8ea10491e9d
│ 1000000 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.095 sec.

## Test Case 2
### Conditions
# 数据量: 100W 相同数据
# 每批次吞吐限制: maxRatePerPartition * batchWindowTime * topicPartitions = 10000 * 10s * 6 = 600000
# Sink: 写入分布式表
# 6 Shards, 1 Replica (cluster: dog)

### Result
# 期望结果 100W,实际结果 981446
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) select count(*) from dlink.stress_log
SELECT count(*)
FROM dlink.stress_log
Query id: 36f21809-0646-4bef-bc40-5c182c2fd22f
│ 981446  │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

## Test Case 3
### Conditions
# 数据量: 100W 随机数据
# 每批次吞吐限制: maxRatePerPartition * batchWindowTime * topicPartitions = 10000 * 10s * 6 = 600000
# Sink: 写入 Shard 表
# 6 Shards, 1 Replica (cluster: dog)

### Result
# 期望结果 100W,实际结果 100W
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) select count(*) from dlink.stress_log
SELECT count(*)
FROM dlink.stress_log
Query id: 17d91824-a19f-4910-b556-62088663d2d9
│ 1000000 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

## Test Case 4
### Conditions
# 数据量: 100W 相同数据
# 每批次吞吐限制: maxRatePerPartition * batchWindowTime * topicPartitions = 10000 * 10s * 6 = 600000
# Sink: 写入 Shard 表
# 6 Shards, 1 Replica (cluster: dog)

### Result
# 期望结果 100W,实际结果 420000
clickhouse-3.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) select count(*) from dlink.stress_log
SELECT count(*)
FROM dlink.stress_log
Query id: 4b2c4bbf-1cbe-4cfc-9801-b8b85c371fdf
│ 420000  │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.094 sec.



# 添加配置项
$ vim /etc/clickhouse-server/configd/user.xml
      <!-- Enables(1, defalut) or disables(0) block deduplication of INSERT (for Replicated* tables). -->

# 验证是否生效
$ clickhouse-client --user writer --password xxxxxx --host clickhouse
clickhouse-1.clickhouse.dlink-prod.svc.cluster.local :) SELECT getSetting('insert_deduplicate')
SELECT getSetting('insert_deduplicate')
Query id: 099af07f-2d8b-4c81-9581-5795d59ace0e
│                                0 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

# 重启写入程序,数据不再丢失

Memory limit exceeded

Memory limit (total) exceeded

Code: 241, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Memory limit (total) exceeded: would use 24.63 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 131072 bytes), maximum: 24.63 GiB: (while reading column account_id): (while reading from part /data00/clickhouse/data/data/eps_data_beta/app_trade_eco_bill_rf_local/20220622_21761_21761_0/ from mark 0 with max_rows_to_read = 8192) (version

ClickHouse 每个节点上服务器使用最大内存上限是 max_server_memory_usage

default: 0, 0 代表 Auto,默认情况下的计算公式: max_server_memory_usage = memory_amount(内存总量) * max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio(占比分数值)

Clickhouse 服务器的总物理 RAM 量比例 max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio

default:0, Clickhouse 服务器可以使用所有可用的 RAM,在具有低 RAM 和交换容量的主机上,可能需要将 max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio 设置为大于 1

Memory limit (for query) exceeded

ClickHouse 单服务器运行查询可使用的内存上限是 max_memory_usage

default: 10g, 超大表 Join/Union 容易触发内存上限,可以选择调大配置或者优化 SQL,比如减少 Select 字段数量或者 Where 条件内置

ClickHouse 在单服务器上运行用户查询的内存上限是 max_memory_usage_for_user

default: 0, 0 表示不受限,默认值定义在 Settings.h

分组聚合超过内存上限时可以设置 max_bytes_before_external_group_by 参数,当 GroupBy 操作内存超过该指定大小时会溢写到磁盘,避免查询内存溢出




